Just my thoughts. I'm sure you have your own.

Friday, February 5, 2010

FAWM Day 5

8:10 AM

I'm on day five and only have one song. Not to panic, because I sorta anticipated this. This first week is just so inundated with a lot of important things that I knew I basically only had the last three weeks to get my songs together. I'm going to spend down time today (when I get it) to write a lot of lyrics (I came up with an interesting concept on the way to work this morning) so I don't have to waste time on them when it becomes crunch-time.

Today is Friday--Video Game music day for me to listen to. Not necessarily JUST Final Fantasy (though I happen to be listening to OC Remixes of FF6 currently). Will update periodically throughout the day.

9:30 AM

Finished lyrics for my new song. Will write music tonight and record.

Cause Really, Yes, Point Taken

I Wish I Saw Her.
I Wonder About Sometimes. And Certainly Remember.

Picturing The Other Girls, Running Away,
Pretending How Everything Returns.

She Evidently Never Discerned I Never Got Completely Over.
Dreaming Every Dream,
Mulling Every Second Since
Always Going, Ever Sorry

She Only Understands Now
Doesn’t She Realize
Everyone’s Already Living Lies
You Can Only Oblige Lies

And if you haven’t gotten the point yet
Well, this job is certainly not for you…

9:35 AM

There's a thread on the FAWM boards where everyone is posting individual lines to make a song. I've taken what's been put on there so far in order to turn it into a song. Here's how I organized mine:

Somniloquy [Cause that's just an awesome word!]

Wake up, wake up, why are you sleeping?
Isn't it time to abandon dreaming?
There's a whole 'nother world outside of your head

Wake up, wake up, time to start living
'Cause living your dreams sets your soul free
But all of our dreams are still lying in bed.

How many sheep have you counted?
How many dreams have you doubted?
How many have drifted from fingers, outstretched?
It's time to wake up from your living death.

Reach out your hand, I've got a thought for you to hold...
life is the clay you have to mold.
Mould it, shape it, make it what you like

Wake Up! Your life is passing you by!
Make your dreams come true, learn how to fly.
Sing like the bird in your somniloquy.


Spread your wings, face the sun
If you don't get up, start moving [Bump]
there's still so much to be done [bump bump]
We've got to get a start, on starting improving.
You'll need to walk before you can run [bump bump]
Run faster, darling...

(Instrumental Bridge)

Or you may run into the black starling
Are you tired yet? Or does the view of hell keep you satisfied
You can't help but wonder if you even really tried
Trying is easy, it's dreaming that's hard
but wake up, wake up it's time to start dreaming,
Out in the world new ideas have been teaming
Unless of course [this] causes you to wake up screaming...
[Thinking Things like] ‘What if the Mayans were off by 2 years’
Feeding your nightmares, feeding your fears,
It's time to stop listening, to those crazy seers,
Wake up, wake up, your wasting your life away
What else is there to say?
I guess I'll just leave

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